Torrent and Avalanche Control in Austria

The Torrent and Avalanche Control (WLV) is dedicated to the management of natural hazards since 1884. As a so-called subordinate department of the responsible ministry, effective and holistic concepts are developed and implemented, especially in the alpine regions of Austria.

The core service fields of the WLV for a proactive management against floods, avalanches, rockfalls and landslides are:

Natural hazard information: survey, processing, evaluation, data management and provision of information about torrents, avalanches and alpine hazards

Expert activity: Preparation of analyses and statements within the framework of official procedures

Hazard zone planning: Mapping and assessment of natural hazard risk zones

Planning of measures: Development of protection concepts

Implementation of measures: Implementation and construction of planned protective measures

Investment management: Arrangements to finance the protective measures

Torrent check dams ensure that debris, water and wood are held back and do not enter the settlement area in an uncontrolled manner.

High-altitude construction sites where avalanche barriers are installed are particularly challenging, as both man and material are fully exposed to the elements. The supporting structures ensure that the snow masses are held in place in winter and do not thunder down into the valley as avalanches.